martedì 21 agosto 2012

Scambio in Romania dal 1- 8 settembre.

rsz_1giovani.gif"Reflecting our old routes in the rural youth employment". Scambio a Târgu Jiu, Romania dal 1 all'8 settembre
Labels: Romania

A tutti i viaggiatori in ascolto,
L'associazione Scambieuropei vi offre una nuova possibilità di partire per uno scambio che si terrà a Tirgu Jiu, Romania dal 1 all' 8 settembre.
Târgu Jiu è un municipio della Romania di 95.669 abitanti, capoluogo del distretto di Gorj, nella regione storica dell'Oltenia.La città prende nome dal fiume Jiu, accanto al quale si trova.

Chi: 9 candidati + 2 group leaders
Quando: 1- 8 settembre.
Dove: Tirgu Jiu, Romania 
Titolo: Reflecting our old routes in the rural youth employment

Descrizione progetto:
Every day we see that the rural communities that used to represent the core of our nations disintegrate, loosing their vital value: youngsters. “Reflecting our old routes in the rural youth employment” aims to fight the way we create jobs and the way we forget the most important aspect, special for our spiritual development. Keeping in mind that our project it is demanded by young people that feel more and more the economical pressure, we will reunite in Targu Jiu, Gorj county, youngsters from Italy, Turkey and Romania that face the same inconvenience and are ready to revive the old handicrafts and to spread them in their communities. We promote crafting as a tool of inclusion, of social and economical development and a way to fight the youth unemployment in rural areas. The project will benefit of personnel with valuable experience in this field in order to bring a clear insight. In order to foster the intercultural acquisition, to every participant will be provided the possibility to explain if some crafts are still preserved in their community in the context of growing youth unemployment rate. The final chapter of the journey that the participants will take through the art of crafting, will bring them the possibility to create the exposition with the objects realized during the exchange as a method to show their potential and the impact crafting could have on youth employment.”

Obiettivi del progetto:
Rural areas, form ancient times, represented European idea of belonging to the community. With an evolution in which the stages are burned on a recurring basis, the villages of Europe look at an alarming rate like ghosts from the past. Most of them can not be adapted to the needs and challenges of a digital society. In any community, north to southern Europe, young people are forced to become a part of a "continuous migration" towards the cities, due to lack of jobs in their natural environment. This tendency sharpened lately and has a dual role, depriving villages’ main labor force and continuity, which implicitly leads to the creation of ghost communities.

Between farmer and land existed, always, a close relationship. Daily life flows according to the requirements of the earth, in perfect union with nature. In recent centuries, peasant life has changed and, implicitly, his relationship with nature has changed. Today, only a handful of traditional crafts are preserved as part of young people in rural areas are forced to migrate to cities in search of work. "Reflecting our old routes in the rural youth employment" is an initiative that aims to produce a change in terms of employment in rural areas, highlighting the additional resources that may lower youth unemployment. Our approach is only an early step in a comprehensive program, discussed with our partners, to bring youth closer to the "forgotten" crafts from rural communities. Of the almost extinct crafts in European communities, we can include people that shape drums, weaving, pottery, wood carving, or painting on wood and glass. Our main goal in this project is to empower young people to become entrepreneurs in rural areas, valuing jobs that are disappearing, thereby revitalizing rural communities. It is a fact that youth unemployment rate has reached high figures​ ​ , especially in rural areas where most of the remaining youth are forced to use their labor force in the inefficient subsistence agriculture. This leads to an acute shortage of financial resources and consequently to an exclusion and a decrease in living standards.

Transfer from the Airport We will rent a bus for your transfer from Bucharest Otopeni Airport to Targu Jiu (the venue of the project). The bus will be waiting during the afternoon in the parking of the airport.

Place for accommodation You will be accomodated in Hotel Gorj- Tirgu Jiu,in triple rooms with tv and bathroom. The beding will be provided, rooms will be cleaned several times during the week. However, you need to take all toileteries you need, as well as hair dryers etc. There is a pool not far away from the hotel and you can In the public area there will be wireless go there during your free time.

Food Arrangements During the activity programme we will have three meals at the restaurant of the Hotel Gorj (the venue of the exchange and the place for accommodation). If you have special needs and you didn’t mentioned in the application form, please let us know as soon as possible. Please bring cultural food for the intercultural evening (you can bring even alcohol from your own country but only for intercultural evening of your country and your organization

Attività ricreative:
Intercultural nights Bring music on CD or flash stick from your country for the intercultural evening. Also, please bring your favorite music as well so that we can have music for our parties, if you play an instrument feel free to bring it and play for us.The meeting room is facilitated with video projector so you can use it for your presentations. ). Also you can bring a presentation What to bring with you Laptops internet. Please take into consideration that in Romania is very hot!! During late summer we have around 35 degrees, even 40 sometimes. Also, in one day we will go in a short trip in the mountains so please take with you adequate shoes and clothes. You can take with you also the swimming suits. 

Quota di partecipazione di 20€, che andrà all'Associazione ospitante, il 70% del viaggio a/r è rimborsato dai fondi dell'Unione Europea, mentre vitto ed alloggio è totalmente ricoperto. L'associazione Scambieuropei richiede la tessera annuale di 40 euro.
Totale da pagare: 60 euro di fee (tra associazione italiana ed estone) piu 30% totale spese di viaggio sostenute!

La lingua dello scambio è l'Inglese.

Vitto e alloggio
Vitto alloggio e il 70% dei biglietti (aerei e non) per raggiungere il luogo dello scambio sono a carico delle associazioni Importante: Il rimborso dei biglietti avverrà a seguito della presentazione dei giustificativi di viaggio.

Ragazzi è assolutamente importante che conserviate tutti i giustificativi di viaggio e le boarding pass dei voli aerei così come i biglietti dei treni o bus perché devono essere consegnati all’associazione non appena arrivati. 

Come candidarsi
Per candidarsi vi basterà inviare il vostro CV in italiano attraverso questo FORM

Per maggiori informazioni:

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