Sei laureato in economia, scienze politiche o discipline relative al settore energie rinnovabili? Vorresti trascorrere un periodo all'estero, magari facendo uno stage presso un'azienda? Ti piacerebbe lavorare come project manager? Allora quest'offerta potrebbe interessarti! La EU Energy Initiative, nel settore delle strategie per la promozione dell'energia sostenibile a livello nazionale e regionale, cerca uno stagista, area project management. Il candidato deve essere laureato e conoscere l'inglese a livello ottimo. La conoscenza del francese o tedesco saranno un vantaggio. Lo stage ha sede a Bruxelles o a Eschborn, in Germania, ha durata di 6 mesi a partire da gennaio o febbraio 2013 e prevede una retribuzione di 950 euro lordi al mese. Candidarsi entro il 27 Novembre 2012 se interessati. Descrizione The EU Energy Initiative - Partnership Dialogue Facility (PDF) is an instrument developed by a number of EU Member States and the European Commission in the context of the EU Energy Initiative (EUEI). The overall objective of the EUEI PDF is to support the development of policies and strategies for the promotion of access to energy at national and regional level. These are based on dialogue within and between partner countries, their regional organisations, EU member states and the European Commission. Beyond that, EUEI PDF also acts as a secretariat to the Africa-EU Energy Partnership and as one of the implementers of the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP). The EUEI PDF Project Management Unit (PMU) is hosted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Eschborn, Germany. For liaison to the European institutions as well as EU member states and non-governmental organisations, a liaison office operates in Brussels. Job Description - Support the EUEI PDF project managers and the Brussels Liaison Officer respectively in their day-to-day business - Support in research and analysis related to energy policy/strategy development with a focus on Africa - Assist with the organisation of meetings and EUEI PDF events or presentations, including planning and logistics - Assistance in the development of documents, publications and communication materials - Support in the process of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership, for which the EUEI PDF acts as a Secretariat - In Brussels: Participate in internal and external meetings and energy-related events taking place in Brussels - In Eschborn: Support in the preparation and implementation of thematic studies (e.g. on biomass or other renewable energies) Independent development of own thematic contributions for internal and external communication of the EUEI PDF - Assistance in and/or carrying out of other activities and tasks, as assigned by EUEI PDF staff Qualifications and Competencies: - Academic background: political science, economics, development studies, environmental studies, (renewable) energy engineering, or similar - Language(s): English must; French and German advantageous - Very good interpersonal, communication, and team skills Dates 07.01.2013 - 06.07.2013 in Eschborn 01.02.2013 - 31.07.2013 in Brussels Our offer We pay a monthly stipend of EUR 950,- (gross) for the internship in Eschborn and for Brussels, you will receive an amount that depends on the duration of time. For further information, or please contact Mr Peter Cattelaens (+49 6196-2682) or Mrs Ina de Visser (+49 6196-7108). Note that group interviews for all three positions are likely to take place in the second week of December. |
martedì 13 novembre 2012
Stage retribuito a Bruxelles o in Germania di 6 mesi
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