
Ecco i prossimi campi di lavoro ambientali di Worldwide friends nella magica Islanda
Il nostro partner Worldwide Friends Iceland é alla ricerca di volontari provenienti da tutta Europa interessati a partecipare ai suoi campi di lavoro di tema ambientale della stagione invernale e primaverile 2013.
I campi sono aperti a tutti i maggior di 18 anni, quindi anche a chi ha più di 30 anni (non vi é un limite massimo di etá), ed ovunque residenti.
Tutti i workcamps di WF si tengono in Islanda.
Le candidature sono aperte sino ad esaurimento posti, quindi prima ci inoltrate la vostra application e maggiori saranno le possibilità di essere selezionati. Richiesta la conoscenza almeno base dell'inglese (lingua dei campi).
Nel caso di questi campi, l'interesse per l'ambiente e la natura è naturalmente fondamentale. Questi campi ambientali si terranno a febbraio, marzo, aprile e maggio 2013.
Se interessati, inviateci quanto prima l'application form in allegato, il vostro cv ed una breve motivation letter per il campo (il tutto in inglese) ed una vostra foto in formato immagine) attraverso l'apposito FORM.
Prima ci si candida e piú possibilitá si hanno di trovare posto.
Ricordate di scrivere "Sending Organisation: Scambieuropei" nell'oggetto o nel corpo dell'e-mail insieme al codice del campo che avete scelto. Solo le candidature complete saranno prese in considerazione. Il viaggio, al contrario di vitto e alloggio, é a spese dei volontari. Quindi controllate date e costi dei voli per l'Islanda prima di candidarvi. CANDIDARSI SOLO SE INTENZIONATI A PARTIRE E CONSAPEVOLI DI DOVER PAGARE IL VIAGGIO E, DOVE RICHIESTO, UNA FEE.
Per candidarsi con noi come Organizzazione di Invio è necessario essere tesserati con l'Associazione Scambieuropei. Se ancora non lo siete, scriveteci e vi invieremo tutte le informazioni del caso. Qui le informazioni sul tesseramento 2012/2013 (il tesseramento vale sino a dicembre 2013 per tutti i programmi supportati da Scambieuropei):
Solo se selezionati per il campo, dovrete versarci la quota campo di 50 euro (questo solo dopo la conferma della vostra selezione, non prima). La partecipation fee prevista come extra fee per i campi é, invece, richiesta dall'organizzazione locale e va pagata ai responsabili di questa una volta arrivati a destinazione. Di seguito la descrizione dei campi con relativi codici. Uno stesso campo (stesso titolo, quello tra virgolette) può avere più date (e un codice diverso a seconda della data: il codice è composto da "WF" e da due o tre cifre).
Ogni campo dura in media circa 2 settimane.
Potete candidarvi anche per più campi.
"Eco messengers in Reykjavik" (1 camp in February, 1 camp in March)
- WF88: from 05/02 to 17/02 2013
- WF120: from 05/03 to 17/03 2013
Language: A basic knowledge of English is required for this workcamp.
Terminal: Flights arrive at Keflavik International Airport (KEF), just south of Reykjavik, Iceland
Additional Information: There is an Extra participation fee of 150 euros for this workcamp.
This workcamp all is about awareness. The volunteers will be the leaders of environmental education sessions in high schools in Reykjavik. The main goal is to create awareness among children and teenagers and promote protecting the environment in daily life. The work will be divided between preparation of materials such as posters, brochure, info mobile centre with photos and explanations, power points, and videos. During the second week the volunteers will visit high schools to perform the session. During the camp the volunteers will enjoy a percussion workshop in order to give a small performance in the high school and catch the attention of the students.
Reykjavik is a city full of energy, just waiting for you to experience it. Powered by heat from the earth below, with ever-changing weather sweeping across the landscape, its natural features are matched by the energy of its residents. Think of the qualities of a great city - fun, culture, nature, clean air - and Reykjavik has them in spades. All the advantages of a modern, forward-looking society are complemented by the beautiful natural setting. In a country of only just over 300,000 people, the Reykjavik Capital Area has a population of about 200,000. However, since it’s the only major city in the country, Reykjavik has a lot of the amenities that you would only expect to find in a much larger center elsewhere in the world. Reykjavik is the world’s northernmost capital city and is centered on the Seltjarnarnes Peninsula. Come at the right time of year, and in favorable conditions you will see the city’s skyline silhouetted against the glowing, shimmering curtain of the aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights. Reykjavik is framed by the majestic Mt. Esja and the blue waters of Faxafloi Bay to the north, while rugged lava-fields spread to the southeast. On a clear sunny day, the Snaefellsjokull glacier glitters on the western horizon like a crystal.
Worldwide Friends volunteers have free access to the local geothermally-heated swimming pools in Reykjavik. Traditionally, natural pools have played an important social role in Icelandic culture. Most Icelandic pools offer indoor and outdoor swimming, as well as hot tubs and saunas or steam rooms On weekends, the central location of the accommodations is ideal for enjoying Reykjavik‘s amazing nightlife, which is world-renowned for its wide array of bars, clubs, and concerts. WF Iceland will also organise reasonably-priced weekend excursions to some of the most popular, beautiful areas and natural wonders that Iceland has to offer. Excursions include unique Icelandic sights such as glacial lagoons, waterfalls, volcanic and geothermal areas, glaciers, geysirs, lava forests, hot-springs, rhyolite mountain ranges, steam-vents, or even icebergs.
Worldwide Friends volunteers stay in one of several shared houses offering basic sleeping and cooking facilities in the heart of historical downtown Reykjavik. Volunteers need to bring their own sleeping bag and towels, but mattresses and bed linens are provided. Wireless internet access is provided free of charge, and volunteers also have free access to shared desktop computers in communal areas. The accommodation provided by Worldwide Friends Iceland for volunteers in Reykjavik is located within short walking distance of many urban amenities, including: banks, pharmacies, supermarkets, public swimming pools, restaurants, cafes, libraries, theaters, shops, museums, and bus stations. Food is included for the duration of the workcamp, however everyone is expected to do their fair share of the cooking and cleaning. Since it is always nice to try new and different dishes, volunteers are encouraged to bring along their favorite recipes from home.
Worldwide Friends (Veraldarvinir) provides a basic insurance for the volunteers during the duration of the camp. We strongly recommend that the volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates purchase a separate insurance. European volunteers should bring the European Health Card (former E111).
"Hveragerði – Health and Environment"
- WF109: from 25/02 to 11/03 2013
- WF111: from 11/03 to 25/03 2013
- WF112: from 25/03 to 08/04 2013
- WF116: from 08/04 to 22/04 2013
- WF117: from 22/04 to 06/05 2013
- WF119: from 06/05 to 20/05 2013
- WF121: from 20/05 to 03/06 2013
Language: A basic knowledge of English is required for this workcamp.
Terminal: Flights arrive at Keflavik International Airport (KEF), just south of Reykjavik, Iceland Additional Information: There is an extra participation fee of 150 euros for this workcamp.
The Natural Health Association has a horticultural and environmental department, including forestry, gardening, and greenhouses, which is where Worldwide Friends volunteers work most of the time. The nature of the work depends largely on weather conditions, which can change quickly. Volunteers should bring clothes appropriate for outdoor work.
Hveragerði is a small town of about 1,700 inhabitants that lies some 45 km east of Reykjavík. This friendly little community sits on top of a highly active geothermal field, which provides heat for hundreds of greenhouses where fruit, flowers and vegetables are produced throughout the year. Even bananas grow in these greenhouses! The name Hveragerði means ‘hot springs garden.’ Geothermal energy is Hveragerði’s lifeblood, and you probably won’t find such a natural wonder in the middle of a populated area anywhere else in the world. Nearby you will find an even more geothermally active site: Gufudalur, the lovely ‘Steam Valley’ behind the town.
This whole valley is full of hot springs, geysers, mud pots, fumaroles and steaming vents. Our host is the Rehabilitation and Health Clinic, which is a part of the Natural Health Association of Iceland. Every year approximately 2,000 patients and other guests enjoy their diverse rehabilitation programs, which are focused on an approach that builds self-confidence and personal responsibility for the patients’ own health. The Clinic has earned a solid reputation, both in Iceland and internationally, since its foundation in 1955 for personal and effective care of patients. It is the oldest and one of the two most important rehabilitation clinics in Iceland.
Worldwide Friends volunteers have free access to the local geothermally-heated swimming pools. Traditionally, natural pools have played an important social role in Icelandic culture. Most Icelandic pools offer indoor and outdoor swimming, as well as hot tubs and saunas or steam rooms. Hveragerði is known for having great areas for hiking, including a river heated by hot springs. WF Iceland will also organize reasonably-priced weekend excursions to some of the most popular, beautiful areas and natural wonders that Iceland has to offer. Excursions include unique Icelandic sights such as glacial lagoons, waterfalls, volcanic and geothermal areas, glaciers, geysirs, lava forests, hot-springs, rhyolite mountain ranges, steam-vents, or even icebergs.
Worldwide Friends volunteers stay in a fully equipped bungalow consisting of several double rooms. Volunteers need to bring their own sleeping bag, but mattresses are provided. Free wireless internet during is available during evening hours, but volunteers need to bring their own laptops if they would like to connect to it. All meals are provided and cooked by our hosts, the Rehabilitation and Health Clinic. The menu for the project is primarily vegetarian, but two times a week it includes locally-caught fish. The food at the Rehabilitation and Health Clinic is known throughout Iceland for its high quality.
Worldwide Friends (Veraldarvinir) provides a basic insurance for the volunteers during the duration of the camp. We strongly recommend that the volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates purchase a separate insurance. European volunteers should bring the European Health Card (former E111).
"Hveragerði the village of the hot springs"
- WF107: from 11/02 to 25/02 2013
Language: A basic knowledge of English is required for this workcamp.
Terminal: Flights arrive at Keflavik International Airport (KEF), just south of Reykjavik, Iceland
Additional Information: There is an extra participation fee of 150 euros for this workcamp.
The work will mostly be focused on forestry, gardening and greenhouse work. The amount and type of work will depends largely on weather conditions, therefore we have to be flexible. You should be prepared for unfriendly weather, even though, hopefully, it will be nice most of the time.
Hveragerði is a small town of about 1,700 inhabitants that lies some 45 km east of Reykjavík. This friendly little community sits on top of a highly active geothermal field which provides heat for hundreds of greenhouses where fruit, flowers and vegetables are produced throughout the year. Even bananas grow in these greenhouses! The name Hveragerði means ‘hot springs garden.’ Geothermal energy is Hveragerði’s lifeblood, and you probably won’t find such a natural wonder in the middle of a populated area anywhere else in the world. A very interesting site is Gufudalur, the lovely ‘Steam Valley’ behind the town. The whole valley explodes with hot springs, geysers, mud pots, fumaroles and steaming vents.
Free access to the local swimming pool might be possible. Excursion will be arranged for the volunteers.
We will be staying in a very nice fully equipped flat. Participants are asked to bring a sleeping bag. All meals will be provided and cooked by our hosts. The food in the project will mainly be vegetarian food, but two times a week we will have delicious Icelandic fish. The food in this place is very well known here in Iceland for the high standard of quality. INSURANCE: Worldwide Friends (Veraldarvinir) provides a basic insurance for the volunteers during the duration of the camp. We strongly recommend that the volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates purchase a separate insurance. European volunteers should bring the European Health Card (former E111).
Vi ricordiamo che, in generale, per iscriversi a uno o piú campi di lavoro con l'Associazione Scambieuropei (Ente di Invio) basta seguire questa semplice procedura: - Essere tesserati con Scambieuropei per l'anno in corso (il tesseramento é di 40 euro e quello attuale é valido sino alla fine dell'anno 2013).
- Segnalarci un campo di lavoro tra quelli presenti nelle nostre calls o tra quelli di enti ospitanti con i quali siete eventualmente in contatto.
- Compilare (in inglese!) ed inviarci via e-mail il modulo di iscrizione WAF allegato (Workcamps Application Form): basta una sola application form per tutti i campi della stessa organizzazione ospitante.
- Attendere che Scambieuropei vi candidi presso l'Ente di Coordinamento e/o di Accoglienza del campo di lavoro e vi faccia sapere se siete stati accettati.
- In caso veniate selezionati per il campo, versare la quota campo di 50 € (che serve all'Associazione per coprire almeno in parte la quota di iscrizione al campo e le spese di amministrazione fatte per vostro conto).
Se si parte per piú campi nello stesso anno, la quota campo da versare a partire dal secondo campo sará di 40 € invece che di 50 €. Scambieuropei, infatti richiede la quota campo SOLO qualora il candidato venga selezionato. Il che vuol dire che, in ogni caso, l'Associazione - che, vi ricordiamo, é formata da Volontari e non é finanziata da alcun Ente, Azienda o Istituzione - si fa carico da sola almeno delle spese amministrative e di gestione per quanto riguarda la vostra candidatura. Nel caso in cui Scambieuropei non possa confermare la partecipazione al campo per il quale siete stati selezionati per problemi relativi all'oganizzazione del campo stesso, l’intera quota campo sarà rimborsata al volontario.
Qualora, invece, fosse proprio il candidato ad annullare la partecipazione, la quota campo non sará rimborsata dato che servirá a coprire le spese affrontate dall'Associazione per quel volontario e quelle per la ricerca urgente di un sostituto. Una volta selezionati per il campo, sarete prontemente informati e riceverete l’infosheet con tutte le informazioni dettagliate sul campo, su cosa portare, sulle modalitá di ritrovo ed il meeting point, ecc.
La descrizione del campo potrete, invece, leggerla giá nelle calls e quindi sapere di cosa si tratta prima di candidarvi. Eventuali costi aggiuntivi richiesti dall'ente ospitante (ad esempio: extra fee/partecipation fee) sono segnalate nella descrizione dei campi. Queste vanno pagate all'ente del posto che organizza e/o promuove il campo (spesso accade per campi fuori dall'UE o per particolari progetti). Questa quota non é richiesta dall'Ente di Invio (noi, nel vostro caso).
Vitto e alloggio sono sempre offerti dall'Ente di Accoglienza o comunque dall'Organizzazione che organizza il campo internazionale, quindi i volontari dovranno pagrsi solo le spese di viaggio A/R (per raggiungere il campo e tornare a casa). Il tipo di alloggio é indicato nella descrizione di ogni campo.
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