venerdì 12 ottobre 2012

Sve a Las Palmas, Spagna per 9 mesi. Progetto coscienza europea

L'Asociación Nam Pro Integración (2011-ES-102), nostro nuovo partner nell'ambito del Servizio Volontario Europeo, sta cercano un volontario per un progetto SVE che partirebbe ad inizio febbraio 2012 e proseguirebbe per 9 mesi.

Del progetto faranno parte altri due volontari provenienti da altri due Paesi.

Sede del progetto sará Las Palmas, nelle Isole Canarie, in Spagna. La conoscenza della lingua spagnola costituirá titolo preferenziale, ma non obbligatorio. Pocket money per la Spagna: 105 euro al mese.
Come sempre per lo SVE (18 - 30 anni), il viaggio A/R é rimborsato al 90%, mentre vitto e alloggio sono pagati in toto, cosí come l'assicurazione ed un corso base della lingua locale.

Previsto anche un pocket money mensile. Se interessati, inviateci cv, motivation letter SPECIFICA (entrambi in inglese e su due file di testo distini) ed una vostra foto (su file immagine) attraverso il FORM entro il 12 ottobre.
Nella lettera motivazionale spiegate bene perché volete fare l'EVS (European Voluntary Service), perché vorreste fare volontariato all'estero, quali sono i motivi che vi spingolo a far domanda per questo progetto in particolare e perché sareste il candidato ideale. Inutile inviare lettere motivazionali di poche righe e dove non sono specificate dettagliatamente le ragioni che vi spingono a far domanda per questo progetto: senza forti motivazioni la HO non vi prenderebbe in considerazione, quindi fate attenzione!

Lettere generali e senza le specifiche motivazioni per la partecipazione a questo particolare progetto NON saranno prese in considerazione.
Se volete, potete inviarci CV e lettera motivazionale ANCHE (ma non solo) in spagnolo. Solo le candidature COMPLETE saranno prese in considerazione.

Ricordate di indicare il codice del progetto e la dicitura "Sending Organisation Scambieuropei" nell'oggetto e/o nel corpo dell'e-mail. CANDIDARSI SOLO SE DISPONIBILI A PRENDERE SERVIZIO AD INIZIO FEBBRAIO.

Per candidarsi con noi come Organizzazione di Invio è necessario essere tesserati con l'Associazione Scambieuropei. Se ancora non lo siete, scriveteci e vi invieremo tutte le informazioni del caso.
Qui le informazioni sul tesseramento 2012/2013 (il tesseramento vale sino a dicembre 2013 per tutti i programmi supportati da Scambieuropei):

Di seguito la descrizione completa del progetto.                                                                                                                     

Project code / EI Ref.: 2011-ES-102
Project title: "Impulso"                                                                                                                                                                    
Starting date: 1st February 2013
Ending date: 31st October 2013
Location: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
Theme 1: European awareness
Theme 2: Minorities Inclusion: Cultural differences, Geographical difficulties, Social difficulties
We want to participate in favour of local people, especially of those suffering exclusion or in risk of social exclusion in order to promote conditions enabling their promotion as full right citizens and their social integration, guaranteeing the right to access, under equal opportunities, to programmes, plans and/or actions in which they are participants and target group, as established in Article 48 of the Spanish Constitution.
We want to coordinate, based on the EVS, activities of interest for young people, especially migrants, promoting synergies between volunteers and young people, guaranteeing the best possible implementation of the proposed EVS activities and the participation of young people.
Our priority is the collaboration in local events and projects, without excluding anyone.
Taking these projects and due to the added complexity given by the fact of talking about islands, we want to incorporate youth of other nationalities (living in the Canary Islands) to our activities and events (Participative Democracy, Youth Exchange projects, and other among them) at the same time as to enable other youth to know other realities by carrying out a voluntary service abroad.
To manage this, we understand that the EVS is a mechanism to manage that the participants live non-formal personal experiences, increase their skills and personal qualifications and understand Europe as their social and geographic environment is the EVS. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (, with a population of 377.203 inhabitants is the biggest city in the Canary Islands and the ninth biggest one in Spain.
The city is the capital of the province of Las Palmas. It hosts 18.62% of the population of the Canary Islands (2,025,951 inhabitants) and 46.27% of the inhabitants of Gran Canarias (815,379 inhabitants). Its population lives in high density (this gives an idea of the value of urban co-existence): 3,751.4 inhabitants/km2. It has a long coast, 43.26 kms. (this is important due to its value as leisure urban area) and a large number of city areas, 117, with a large diversity of social situations.
The city is a cultural reference in the Canary Islands, especially due to its opera festivals, classical music, international cinema festival and its carnival.
Thanks to its sea-port, one of the ports with the biggest activity in the Middle Atlantic Ocean, the city is a focus of economic attraction with a lot of commercial activity and, therefore, social activity.

The city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is a reference in the whole island, especially for young people. There are many activities. These are opportunities have an enormous value, especially for young people as they can be an active part of the citizenship. Developing a voluntary activity in this environment will enable the volunteers to know directly not only the existing resources, but also the concerns and needs of local youth and thus play an active role improving the existing activities. Volunteers will be the main axis of the volunteering project we propose and will play an active role.

Role of volunteers:

• Participate and collaborate in the activities we carry out.
• Actively participate in the improvement of the quality of the activities providing language support, among other. Activities of volunteers:
• Support the activities of the organisation, suggesting innovations.
• Collaborate planning activities, providing ideas, contents and sections.
• Collaborate with the English contents of our web site (or in other languages that volunteers know).
• Carry out support tasks designing material and campaigns, providing improvements.
• Support tasks regarding dissemination and promotion of active participation of youth.
• Participate in workshops and activities as a participant or collaborator.

Accommodation will take place in a youth hostel or a shared flat. They will organise their meals as they consider.

No specific skills or qualifications are required. We understand the spirit of the Youth in Action Programme and the EVS.
The idea is not to cover employments, but to open a door to a world of opportunities beyond our island environment to youth from abroad and, also important, from here. Volunteers must show motivation to participate in an experience beyond personal matters, involving many people, from different fields, not used to this kind of experiences but which have shown interest and curiosity to see and share their daily tasks with youth from any class, condition and origin. This will be an open and transparent selection process, accessible to all interested youth.
No specific skills or qualifications are required, as the aim is to provide opportunities for the volunteers and the organisation, which understands that the collaboration and support of volunteers is also a opportunity for us. We want and need to soak Europe, but not only during the first EVS experiences.
This is the beginning of a process with no return as we start a local initiative.
There will be no discrimination due to religion, sex, nationality or race. We want to start the EVS with the right foot.
Thus we want to collaborate with solvent sending entities with similar services for youth which carry out similar activities to ours and with experience in the YiA’s Action 2. We want to express ourselves clearly, not to express requirements.

This is a declaration of intentions towards the sending organisations and the candidates which will leave some matters clear from the first moment and therefore, improve the contact between candidates, sending organisation 1and us.

The project is open to people with fewer opportunities, social difficulties (migrants and their children), geographic barriers (young people in the Canary Islands) and cultural difficulties. We have qualified skills in the mentioned subjects. We have experience with social work. With our human and material resources we can host volunteers and attend their needs.

Our aims: to promote the active participation of local people through activities enabling it and the integration of the target group in the activities of their nearest social environment. We pretend to promote and/or create complementary spaces and resources and disseminate European programmes and projects, as well as the EC institutions and resources. We promote innovation and creativity of our target group to find solutions making the following easier: full integration, intercultural and social integration, European awareness and team work.
Our organisation is ruled by diversity. We want to be a seed in an integrated society fighting for the integration of everyone.
We believe that fighting exclusion is working on inclusion from inside. We will design and carry out different activities: study and research work in our field of action or participating in events of other organisations.
One of the main activities is training enabling the target group to manage participation and integration. Among other, we will provide specific training to the technicians and staff working in the public or public sectors.

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