martedì 30 ottobre 2012

Scambieuropei: servizio volontario europeo in Spagna d

Labels: Spagna

A causa del ritiro dei volontari inizialmente selezionati, stiamo cercando due ragazzi (indifferente il sesso) che abbiano voglia di iniziare il 2013 con un bel progetto di volontariato in Spagna.

Se avete esperienza (di studio, di volontariato o di lavoro) o vorreste acquisire esperienza nell'ambito delle attivitá intergenerazionali, dello sviluppo rurale ed urbano e, soprattutto, vi piace operare a contatto con le persone anziane, questo progetto del Servizio Volontario Europeo fa proprio al caso vostro! CERUJOVI, Organizzazione Ospitante spagnola, sta cercando due volontari per uno dei suoi progetti SVE nella Comunitá Autonoma dell'Estremadura.

Questo SVE specifico (2012-ES-84) avrá luogo nella localitá di Ibahernando (provincia: Cáceres), Comunitá Autonoma dell'Estremadura. La provincia di Cáceres confina con quelle di Salamanca, Ávila, Toledo e Badajoz, oltre che con il Portogallo. La conoscenza della lingua spagnola costituirá titolo preferenziale (ma non obbligatorio). Pocket money per la Spagna: 105 euro al mese. Durata del progetto: 1 anno.

Come sempre per lo SVE (18 - 30 anni), il viaggio A/R é rimborsato al 90%, mentre vitto e alloggio sono pagati in toto, cosí come l'assicurazione ed un corso base della lingua locale. Previsto anche un pocket money mensile. Se interessati, inviateci cv, motivation letter SPECIFICA (entrambi in inglese e su due file di testo distini) ed una vostra foto (su file immagine) attraverso l'apposito FORM il prima possibile.

Nella lettera motivazionale spiegate bene perché volete fare l'EVS (European Voluntary Service), perché vorreste fare volontariato all'estero, quali sono i motivi che vi spingolo a far domanda per questo progetto in particolare e perché sareste il candidato ideale. Inutile inviare lettere motivazionali di poche righe e dove non sono specificate dettagliatamente le ragioni che vi spingono a far domanda per questo progetto: senza forti motivazioni la HO non vi prenderebbe in considerazione, quindi fate attenzione! Lettere generali e senza le specifiche motivazioni per la partecipazione a questo particolare progetto NON saranno prese in considerazione. Se volete, potete inviarci CV e lettera motivazionale ANCHE (ma non solo) in spagnolo.

Solo le candidature COMPLETE saranno prese in considerazione. Ricordate di indicare il codice del progetto (2012-ES-84) e la dicitura "Sending Organisation Scambieuropei" nell'oggetto e/o nel corpo dell'e-mail. Per candidarsi con noi come Organizzazione di Invio è necessario essere tesserati con l'Associazione Scambieuropei. Se ancora non lo siete, scriveteci e vi invieremo tutte le informazioni del caso. Qui le informazioni sul tesseramento 2012/2013 (che vale sino a dicembre 2013):

Di seguito la descrizione completa del progetto.
Project code: 2012-ES-84
Location: Ibahernando, Spain
Starting date: January 2013
Ending Date: December 2013

This will be a project with older and dependent people who live in the house in the town of Ibahernando (Cáceres) Matching the European Year of Intergeneralidad between older and younger, we want to increase the participation of young volunteers working in different Cerujovi project by motivating them to work with older people.

The volunteers will live carry out their tasks in the town of Ibahernando, just beside Trujillo in province of Caceres. It is a town located about 10 km from Trujillo and 5km from the highway, on the road between Madrid and Badajoz. It is a small town with 670 inhabitants. The population there is aged, there are many seniors who live alone because their families had to emigrate in the ’60 and ‘70, to other places in Spain to have better living conditions . It is a rural town where the main economy is based on grain and livestock in cattle and sheep. Volunteers will live in the town of Ibahernando in a rent house and carry out their tasks with older people and residents in the group home of Ibahernando. Volunteers will work under the supervision of the workers in tasks of leisure of the residents. The home for the elderly is a two storey house. It is a home for 19 elderly people and other dependents. These people are monitored and coordinated 24 hours a day. There are six permanents workers working in shifts, with a coordinator named Antonia Gomez, who is also the guardian of the volunteers. There are also other staff as a psychologist and therapist, which performs their tasks couple of times during a week.

The tasks that volunteers can develop there are proposed by the organization itself are the following:
1) Care and grooming: Help the personal care to people who are dependent (high-dependency or severe dependence). Volunteers will help with tasks such as: help with personal hygiene, give them food, putting on clothes, trips etc .... . The tacks will be done by the speciality organitation people and the voluntiers never will be responsable direct from the dependent care (high dependency and strict dependency)
2) To stimulate the memory and to them keep fit: to help elderly people to stimulate memory and to maintenance physical fitness. Volunteers through exercise and techniques of stimulation cognitive development and recovery of memory (drawings, paintings, puzzles, games popular works of art), also using new technologies (exercises with computers), develop exercise, tailored to seniors, will help restore their basic mobility. Both activities will develop in a group or individually, CERUJOVI provides to volunteers all necessary material for the proper functioning of the activities. The tacks will be done by the speciality organitation people and the voluntiers never will be responsable direct from the dependent care (high dependency and strict dependency)
3) Tours : Cerujovi have a vehicle to carry elderly people if needed. Volunteers will help to transfer them into vehicles for tours and excursions The tacks will be done by the speciality organitation people and the voluntiers never will be responsable direct from the dependent care (high dependency and strict dependency),
4) Home help for people who live alone: Cerujovi performs tasks of home care for dependents, volunteers will accompany the auxiliary and performed with the client the following activities: work to stimulate cognitive, physical movements, geriatric accompaniments, drawings and crafts. The tacks will be done by the speciality organitation people and the voluntiers never will be responsable direct from the dependent care (high dependency and strict dependency) The volunteers perform their duties from Monday to Friday: performing scheduled activities with the center. Volunteer can also propose activities for the growth of life quality for these seniors.

Volunteers will develop themselves in working with the elderly and dependent, using their abilities, skills and practices knowledge in this field, whether geriatric animation, as in the health issue.

They may be volunteers who enjoys working with elderly people, volunteers who have studied in the health industry (nursing assistant, nursing, physician, physiotherapist), a volunteer who have studied in the field of social services (social integration, Psychology, monitor or socio-cultural geriatrics, occupational therapy) Any volunteer who feels able to contribute something to the elderly.

CERUJOVI is a rural development center, running comprehensive programs for development of rural communities and for all parts of the population, most of all for disadvantaged people such as children, youth, women and elder people. Since 2010, CERUJOVI is also known as a company which offers home help for people in a situation of dependency is recognized as a company CERUJOVI for home help for people in a situation of dependency, recognized by the SEPAD (Junta de Extremadura) and from 2012 as a day care center.

CERUJOVI offers following activities: For youth: CERUOCIO is a meeting place for young people as a place for spending free time with Internet activities offering new technologies, educational activities and trips, international exchanges, professional training, movies displays; education for adult people, environmental workshops, courses for volunteers, courses with SEXPE for the unemployed. For children: theatre (for example: puppets) and story telling workshops, free time activities (also in the summer holidays), dancing classes.

For women: manual workshops, cooking course, course of the communication and relationships, school for parents.

Youth hostel: CERUJOVI runs a youth hostel in Vivares, in the province of Badajoz, certified by REAJ (Spanish Red of Youth Hostels). Apartment for elders: CERUJOVI runs an apartment destined for elder people in the Ibahernando, in the province of Cáceres. For elders: manual workshops, activities of relaxation, theatre and family support. CERUJOVI coordinates each activity by four coordinators – permanents employees.

Home help: CERUJOVI is a company recognized by the SEPAD, which offers a home help for dependent people at homes – taking care, hygiene personal, stimulation and rehabilitation. Day Care Centre for elder people: CERUJOVI has been building one day care centre in Don Benito and another in Campo Lugar for hosting the dependant elder people. It has been planned to be opened in 2012.

Per saperne di più sugli SVE

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