Scambio last minute dal 19 al 28 Ottobre a Iasi, Romania sulla danza e lo sport come inclusione sociale. Cercasi urgentemente 2 candidati senza limiti di età |
Labels: Romania
L'associazione scambieuropei è alla ricerca Urgente di due candidati over 18 per uno scambio che si terrà dal 18 al 29 Ottobre a Iasi, Romania Chi: 2 partecipanti over 18 Dove; Iasi, Romania Quando: 18-29 Ottobre Titolo: Volunteers dancing for social inclusion of youth Descrizione progetto: Turkey Kasta Morrely is an international organization of human rights defense through promotion of competences and ualifications necessary to the development of a democratic society. The mission of Kasta Morrely NGO is the promotion of values of democracy and European civilization through programs and projects of interest for the sustainable development of the community. Starting with 2008 became an active member within the Agora of the European Parliament. Kasta Morrely Ngo develops various activities offering a variety of ways of action such as: projects to promote authentic art and culture, traditions, advocacy campaigns, selection, training and promotion youth in opinion makers domain, organization of trainings, seminars, conferences, cultural actions and manifestations, festivals, performances, events, projects and actions of human rights defence, multicultural projects, projects in ecology and sustainable development domains, etc. The European training Kasta Morrely Ngo will organize the European training “Volunteers dancing for social inclusion of youth” in 19th – 28th of October 2012 in Iasi, Romania. Kasta Morrely Ngo aims through the European training “Volunteers dancing for social inclusion of youth”: - to raise the participants awareness regarding the value of volunteering as a form of active engagement; - to promote through dances and sports the importance of non-formal education in the social inclusion and anti-discrimination of youth; The activities will focus on the participants’ training on important themes such as: Volunteering, active and European citizenship, Social inclusion and anti-discrimination, Non-formal education, Ball room dances, Latino dances, European traditional dances, Sports. Working Methods: Formal, non-formal and informal educational methods will be used, such as: trainers input, dances and sport lessons, intercultural activities, energizers, ice breaking games, workshops, role playing games, name games, presentations etc. Training specialists and staff The project carefully SELECTED TRAINERS have a high national / European level of expertise in the main themes approached by the training. Participants will benefit of special training courses of practical and theoretical training under the instruction of Kasta Morrely trainers and specialists who have each at least 7 European professional qualifications, among which we mention: - Quality Auditors; - Evaluators of Professional Competences; - Trainer of Trainers; - Project Managers; - Masters of Ceremonies ; - Event Organizers; - Specialists in PR; - Socio Educative Animators; - Psychologists; - Human resources inspectors; - Latino and Ball room dancers’ instructors; - Teachers etc. The participants at the European training The participants will receive Youthpass certificates which describe and validate the learning experience acquired during the training. Participant's Profile: - To be interested in personal and social development and the growth of his organization; - To be interested in the project’s themes and have the capacity to disseminate the project’s results; - Age over 18; - Physically active and willing to learn sports and dances; - Fluent/medium English (spoken/written), this will be the working language of the course; Condizioni economiche: - Vitto e alloggiosono coperti al 100% dall’associazione. - I trasporti acquistati dai partecipanti verranno rimborsati a fine progetto al 70% - Quota di partecipazione allo scambio 60 Euro E' possibile arrivare e ripartire fino a 2 giorni prima e dopo il progetto per visitare la nazione. In tal caso dovrete pensare voi ai costi di vitto e alloggio, ma i biglietti del volo verranno comunque rimborsati. Per questo progetto non esistono massimali per i rimborsi di viaggio IMPORTANTE Il rimborso dei biglietti avverrà a seguito della presentazione dei giustificativi di viaggio. Ragazzi è assolutamente importante che conserviate tutti i giustificativi di viaggio e le boarding pass dei voli aerei cosi come i biglietti dei treni o bus perché devono essere consegnati all’associazione non appena arrivati. Allo stesso modo, al vostro ritorno in Italia, ognuno di voi dovrà prima scansionare i giustificativi di viaggio e inviarli all’indirizzo che i responsabili vi indicheranno. Trasporti: Una volta arrivati in aeroporto i partner vi aspetteranno per portarvi all'accomodation stabilità. Verrete riaccompagnati all'aeroporto anche il giorno della partenza Come candidarsi: Se siete davvero interessati alle tematiche del progetto, potete candidarvi inviando il CV in italiano attraverso questo FORM Candidarsi quanto prima e solo se interessati Per maggiori informazioni consultare l'INFOPACK |
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