Labels: Belgio
L' organizzazione no - profit EAHP - Associazione Europea dei Farmacisti in Ospedale, cerca un assistente all'organizzazione eventi per contratto di lavoro full time a Bruxelles.
Sono richiesti la conoscenza dell'inglese, almeno due anni di esperienza nell'organizzazione eventi e abilità di multi - tasking.
i compiti da svolgere, l'organizzazione dei congressi e degli incontri
dell'associazione in tutti gli aspetti, la cura e l'updating del sito
dell'associazione e la promozione dell'associazione attraverso strategie
di marketing.
La retribuzione sarà in base all'esperienza.
Candidarsi entro il 31 Agosto 2012 se interessati.
The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) is a
non-profit association of national organisations representing hospital
pharmacists at European and international levels. EAHP represents and
develops the hospital pharmacy profession within Europe in order to
ensure the continuous improvement of care and outcomes for patients in
the hospital setting.
This is achieved through science,
research, education, practice, as well as sharing best-practice and
responsibility with other healthcare professionals. EAHP has a great job
opportunity open and requires a full-time experienced Events Assistant
to join our small office team in Brussels.
A minimum of 2 years experience in event planning is required. Fluent English and either Dutch or French reading and writing skills are preferable.
Salary will be based on experience and benefits consist of a pension plan and DKV insurance.
View the job description below for full details and please only apply if you meet the job requirements.
Application and deadline
To apply, please send a cover letter and CV using THIS FORM
Subject Line: Application for Events Assistant position
Attention: Chief Operating Officer
Closing date for applications: 31 August 2012
Start date: September 2012
Congress: Scientific committee - speakers
- Follow up on action points of minutes when assigned
- Drafts letters/emails for third parties as requested: OC/SC members, suppliers and external organisations
Communication with speakers: seek information from them as informed by
Events Coordinator, send forms to be filled in by them and follow up
Update check lists with speaker information related to programme when
requested be sure evaluation forms/speaker evaluation forms and
distribute on-site, be sure forms are completed and returned to EAHP, if
possible, pre-printing of all forms to be shipped to congress site when
- Communication and Website: Assist with updating of
congress website post speaker bios, TG&LO's, etc. to web site
prepare programme overviews for web site
- Registration: Process
online registration forms and credit card payments as well as follow up
and collection of payments, create visa letters as needed & request
student verification forms, manage all questions related to registration
answers questions from congress delegates/groups invoices registrations
and sends invoices to bookkeeper work at on-site registration desk
- Abstracts: set-up and management of online abstract submissions when not working the registrations
Marketing: enter contact details into congress software as needed,
maintenance of congress database locate, obtain and post necessary
information for web site (i.e. Venue info, transport info, etc.)
Transportation: secure transportation when necessary for
dinners/meetings, etc. on-site when requested Vendors: assist with
contacting potential vendors/follow up on items purchased when requested
assist with arranging concierge booth on-site
- Dinners & lunches: assist with planning and on-site preparation of congress dinners
Printing: assist with proofing of programme, abstract and participant
list books when requested On-site: handle set up of ribbons, posters,
awards, certificates for SC, SAG members, check lists, work registration
desks creation of important telephone numbers for on-site use and
distribution to staff when requested
- General: assist with tasks as assigned per the congress project timeline assist with site visits when necessary
Academy & other events: assist with all issues including planning
assist with necessary forms for event, i.e. to collect bios, disclosure
of conflict of interest, evaluation forms from attendees, expense claim
forms, etc. source of information for academy participants as needed
name badges and misc printing as needed general logistic support as
needed collect expenses claim forms from attendees and speakers
maintenance of the DB: contacts - insure consistency of data format
assist when needed with on-site support of events
- Post event
tasks: assist with follow up of post-event tasks and respond to emails
(i.e. surveys, certificates, accreditation certitificates, etc.) assist
with managing all email lists related to events general assistance to
Chief Operating Officer and Events Coordinator travel
arrangements/logistics as needed
Excellent Writing Skills, Scheduling, Microsoft Office advanced Skills,
Organization, Time Management, Travel Logistics, Verbal Communication,
must be a self starter, proactive and have problem solving skills
- A minimum of 2 years experience in event planning specifically handling event registrations
- Fluent English reading/writing/speaking
- Other languages preferable but not mandatory
- Must be sociable and a people's person.
- Must love interacting with people because he/she will need to interact with them on a daily basis.
- Must be able to work under pressure/deadlines
- Excellent multi-tasking capabilities
- Must be able to travel when needed
- Must be able to work overtime when needed
Salary will be based on experience and benefits consist of a pension plan and DKV insurance.
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